Game Administration (Ottawa B League)

PrintGame Administration

Reporting Game Scores
1.     Head Coaches & Managers received their team login at the Coach/Manager meeting held in early October.
2.     It is mandatory for the Home team to report the scores & penalties on-line within 24 Hours during League Play and within 4 hours during Playoffs.
3.     Game sheets are the official record of the game and must be also be emailed to the the division convenor per Item 2 above. See Section 12 of the Rules and Regulations page.
4.     Click here for the team admin tutorial that shows how to enter the game score on the B League website.
5.     For the mandatory goalie win/loss/tie decision, this is assigned to the goalie that ended their shift at the 3rd period buzzer.

If you have any questions, please contact: your Division Convenor.

Re-Schedule Game Request
To request a game to be re-scheduled, please submit the following downloadable form to your convenor.
1.     Visiting Teams Must Attempt To Switch Game Prior to Re-scheduling Request
2.     Approval from your League Convener will be required before you approach the opposing team.
OBMHL Game Reschedule Request Form

Swap Game Request
To request a game swap, please submit the following downloadable form to your convenor.
Teams requesting a game SWAP are responsible to inform the Home Team.
OBMHL Game Swap Request Form

How to Fill out a Gamesheet
For instructions on completing a gamesheet, please choose a file below:
How to fill out a gamesheet
Comment remplir les feuilles de jeux

Timekeepers Box
Information for Timekeepers, Scorers and Penalty Box Attendants
Here are a series of tools to help volunteers that timekeep, score and act as a penalty box attendant.

Game Sheet - Managing the Copies
As per the ODMHA Code of Discipline, the B League direction on distributing the various copies of the game sheet is as follows:
1. Copy 1 - Home Team to submit to the B League via email.
2. Copy 2 - Visiting Team for their records
3. Copy 3 - Extra copy
4. Copy 4 - Referee for reference in completing a Game Incident Report. If there is no report to complete, the home team may use this copy at their discretion.
Important information with regards to off-ice officials:
• Off-Ice Officials (Penalty box attendants/timekeepers/scorers) do not have to be on the Official Team Roster
• It is recommended off-ice officials have Speak Out/Respect in Sport, this is up to your club/home association, please verify with your club/home association.
• It is currently not mandatory for off ice officials to have Speak Out/respect in Sport.
• Penalty box attendants/timekeepers/scorekeepers are covered for insurance as an “Off Ice Team Official”, they are considered an extension of the on-ice officials.
• See the ODHA Off Ice Officials Guide for valuable information.
Responsibilities of the Game Timekeeper / Scorer:
• Ensure the length of game (50/80), the curfews for each period (10-10-12 or 15-15-18) and the agreed time of the resurfacing of the ice/curfew (50 or 80 minutes from schedules start time) is noted in the top right hand corner of the game sheet BEFORE the respective team officials enter their lineups.
• This would include anytime a team lists more than the maximum number of players or when a team lists more than five (5) team officials, or if the team has not indicated a captain and/or alternate captain or more than the allowed number of alternate captains (3) have been listed or on the ice.
• Enter on the official game report a correct record of the goals scored by whom, and to who assists, if any, are to be credited.
• Record all penalties assessed, stating the numbers of all penalized players, the duration of each penalty, the infraction, and the time at which the penalty was assessed; time off and actually returns to ice/bench.
• Use a spare note pad
• Advise the Referee when the same player has received a second Misconduct penalty during the game.
• Advise the Referee when a player has received a third “stick infraction”, rule 62(b). The “stick infraction” penalties can be remembered with the acronym CHESS Crosschecking, High sticking, butt Ending, Slashing, Spearing.
• If a bench clearing incident occurs, assist the Referee by noting on the spare notepad the numbers of the players involved and give that information to the Referee if there is a request. (i.e.  rule 70 leaving the bench)
• At the completion of game, ensure the official game report is signed by each on ice official, sign it yourself and include your telephone number in the event there is a need to obtain your observations of a particular penalty situation. The Home Team will obtain the ONE copy of the game sheet and send it to the appropriate League Official as per League Rule 12.
• Hand deliver one (1) copy of the official game report to each team.
• If the goalie is changed, record the time of that change on the game sheet. Stickers should be below the two lines which indicate starting goalie time “in”.
• Record the time of the start and actual finish of each game, and all actual playing time during the game. If any time remains on game clock, (i.e when curfew ends the game instead of 3rd period game clock), record this number at the top of the game sheet.
• Signal to the Referee the end of each period, each overtime period and the end of the game.
• Stop the clock only on the officials whistle OR automatically at the end of the period or when curfew arrives.
• Announce or have announced to the Official and coaches when ONE MINUTE of actual playing time remains in each regulation (curfew time of 7:50:00 announce it at 7:49:00).
• In any dispute regarding time, refer the matter to the Referee for a final decision based on OBMHL PLAYING RULES & REGULATIONS. (i.e. game ends when clock hits curfew time, not first whistle after curfew)
• Possess a sound knowledge of the OBMHL playing rules, especially those pertaining to responsibilities of off-ice officials.
• Be familiar with the type of clock, running clock and public address system used in the arena.
• Advise the Referee of any problem pertaining to the required duties.
Responsibilities of the Off-ice Official and/or Penalty Box Attendant:
• Open the door when a time penalty expires, to avoid players returning early.
• If penalty is coincidental or time is not posted on game clock, ask the scorer for the time to return to play, inform the penalized player and the bench staff, as to the unfinished time of the penalty.
• Ensure the door is closed properly after the player returns to the ice.
• Be able to recognize the different situations and the order in which penalized players return to the ice. The off/on ice official will tell you.
• Understand the coincident Major/Match penalty rule and examples contained in the Hockey Canada rule book.
• Understand the order of occurrence procedures (Rule 38(d)).
• Keep the penalty bench free of spectators. Should there be any trouble, advise the Referee.
• If a penalized player verbally or physically harasses any of the office officials, this should be directed to the attention of the Referee at the first stoppage of play.
General Notes:
• OBMHL requires that each home team provide competent timekeepers. Refer to: OBMHL Rules & Regulations Item 7.
• ODMHA  Rules Page 47 7.5 a)  specify that "All score keepers and time keepers shall be at least 14 years of age if fully trained (ODHA Approved training), otherwise scorekeepers and timekeepers must be at least 16 years of age." 

Discipline and Appeals


Excerpt from Rules & Regulations:

APPEALS: (see Annex 1 for prescribed procedures) The appellant must submit all game protests or appeals to the League within 72 hours after the completion of the game that is in dispute. All appeals must be in writing, submitted to the Director of D&A, of the “B” League (Chairperson of the Appeal Committee). A fee in the form of a cheque payable to the OBMHL in the amount of $150.00** dollars must accompany the appeal letter. All letters of appeal must clearly state the grounds upon which the appeal is being made and what aspect of the game, in particular is being appealed.* At its discretion, the league will determine whether or not the appeal will be heard by the league. Appeals of a frivolous or trivial nature will not be heard. The league will not hear “timing” protests unless the protesting team had a representative in the penalty box for the duration of the game (Rule 6f). League timekeepers*** are representatives of the League, not the association/club.

*   All letters of appeal must clearly state the grounds upon which the appeal is being made and/or the particular aspect of the game that is in question.

**  Cheque may be brought to the hearing, 2 cheques for $75 preferred.

*** League Timekeepers - team officials acting as off-ice officials when scorekeeping/timekeeping.