Role of Convenor (Ottawa B League)

PrintRole of Convenor
B League Division Convenor
Volunteering is a fun & rewarding way to give back to your community!
Job Description:
Frontline support for all coaches & managers at the level
Attend B League meetings and provide update for level
Attend Coach /Manager meeting
Contact Sheets from participating coaches/managers will be submitted to the Secretary and an email distribution list will be provided for monthly communiqués to your level by email (all contacts blind copied BCC’d).
Send monthly communication to level with league updates & reminders
Maintain “Game sheet Tracking” spreadsheet to ensure all game sheets were received by MyFax Software  (PDF to your email address) and reported correctly online.
Maintain “Suspension Reporting Log” spreadsheet for the level
Familiarity with Rules & Regulations  (any question received can be referred to another Board member)
Follow policy on game re-scheduling and ensure teams adhere accordingly
All league convenors can have a designated web page for their updates
Update website if required for game re-scheduling following our Rules & Regs
Establish and update website for the playoff schedule along with communication to the participating teams
Follow playoff team and provide the winner at their championship game the trophy, t-shirts, etc..